
Sep 21, 2012

Madden 13 Review

I love cash cows. I’m a big fan of companies that have something that continually rakes in money because for the most part it means they’re doing something right and usually they’re doing something right for their customers. In this case the thing EA did right was create a monopoly on NFL games and even football games in general. It may have happened had EA not picked up exclusive rights to NFL licensing. So EAs cash cow kind of sucks. In fact it maybe my least favorite cash cow that I can think of.  So I try to avoid buying the game as often as I can. This year I faltered but for good reason.  
I’ll start with the bottom line because if you’re hardcore Madden fan then you already bought the game. I would say rent this game if you even remotely enjoy football video games. The career mode is improved, it’s worth seeing the new physics at work and if you have a Kinect you will love shouting audibles at your tv screen and after doing that if you’re still loving it then consider buying it but frankly I think a good rental and you can move on.  If you are a casual sports fan just go play the demo and call it good.

The Good


The new physics in Madden take a minute to get used to and you’ll be furious the first time you run into your own line man and get knocked back down 3 yards . But the first time you break a few tackles with well executed side steps, spin moves and trucking you’ll be addicted.  Players feel much more like their size, if you’re cornerback gets picked up by a lineman on a blitz you’re not going to easily shed that block.

Audibles with Kinect

If you have a Kinect and you need to go try the audibles in Madden. On occasion I’m not even picking up the controller anymore. I sit back, read the defense, switch my run to a quick pass, change specific wide receivers routes by yelling their name and the passing pattern, hike the ball and just let my players do the rest. The only difference between me and Peyton Manning is I’m doing it with a corn dog in my hand and ketchup dribbling onto my shirt.

The Secondary Controls

I can’t describe how many times I’ve been frustrated by a football game controls as my safety is in prime position to pick of or swat a ball and then act as if they have never played defense in their life. Suddenly All Pro Cornerbacks are swatting the wrong way for the ball.  You’ll still see a few more dropped interceptions than you would like but it feels a little better knowing that when you’ve got man to man coverage and help over the top that even the great wide receivers won’t be able to consistently beat you.



The commentary has never been something that makes or breaks a football game for me. It gets slightly better every 2 or three years in all the games. I would however like to use the Kinect to record my own voice and my own commentary for situations and then hear myself announce the football game as I watch my own gameface on the virtual coach and on my star running back.  

Connected Careers

I really enjoy a good Franchise mode and this one isn’t perfect. It falls a little short in Player progression, however that’s still much improved over previous madden Games. You’re player will get points based on how well you perform but it is a slow process which makes you want to save up for the good upgrades, like the ones that increase how quickly you upgrade but then you find that they didn’t really improve you’re player that much. Still in that Area I fell like Madden is heading in the right direction. There’s really not that many “oh Wow that’s new” moments. The menus feel a little more streamlined and it’s what you would expect but it won’t blow you away.


Easier AI

The game isn’t as hard as I remember. Pro feels like Rookie mode used to and I can only imagine what rookie mode feels like. Once you get used to it The running game is just too easy. Your blockers seem to move defensive linemen easily and once you get the hang of avoiding tripping on your own players or running into guys that are being blocked you’ll see you’re average yards per carry in the 8- 15 yard area and that’s just not fair. Playing defense is about the same as in past games however I will say that if you blitz every down the opposing AI isn’t as likely to exploit it and you’ll stop the run and get pressure on the QB. SO when it comes down to it this is a Madden game you’ll want to play on All Pro.

The Scouting in Connected Careers

Why hasn’t this become an enjoyable and important part of career modes? When do I get to just look a highlight plays and compare players side by side and then have an LA noire like interview with them at the combine? Why am I always unveiling little bits of information at a time as though that’s how it really happens? I shouldn’t be able to look at a 45 second clip of a players “highlights” and make my own decisions the draft should give me a little bit of information but after that it should be about the time I put into it and some fun.   Scouting should have 300 players and I can easily sort out the ones I don’t need based on my team needs and then put them in some play time. Let me pass the ball with each QB I’m scouting 10 times. Let me run against a defense with my playbook and the 5 running backs I’m interested in. Either make scouting and the draft fun or get rid of it. Give me a scouting advisor that I pay with money out of my franchise who can actually make a difference in the information I get.
Brady never lines up under center.

Other Tidbits

Why are there not mini games anymore? I used to love the Running back challenge

I’m pretty sure Ultimate team exists so you can spend money, They have to try and sell you something after that fact right?

Cam Newton and RGII seem a little slower than I think they should be. Not too much but just enough that you won’t play as the Panthers or Redskins just so you can drop back and then run the ball.

The clothing options for the coach in Career mode are lacking, A vest that doesn’t look good, a suit that doesn’t fit, and the bland polo is your best option, Where is the cut off Belichick hoody? And if I’m gonna wear a suit I should look good like Tom Landry.

It’s solid sports game and if you play against a friend some good pressure filled trash talking times will emerge so defiantly try that sometime. 

Did we really need Twitter and Facebook Integration?

The opening starts with Ray Lewis making a statement about how many times he's been called too small. Who calls Ray Lewis small?

Version reviewed: Xbox 360

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