Dual Wielding Tomahawks? I think I just might
It has been three years since the last numbered Assassin's Creed game. Since then we have had two expansions so to say with AC: Brotherhood and AC: Revelations. Each game added a small new element to the formula but in the end was very much the same as before. Assassin's Creed 3 looks to break the mold and rejuvenate the franchise sending it soaring to all time heights.
Exit Ezio Enter Connor
I may be in the minority here but I always preferred Ezio to Altair. His carefree attitude and witty banter made my time in the animus more enjoyable. However, after 3 games playing as Ezio I will admit that I was growing tired of playing with him. When it was announced that AC: Revelations would be Ezio's final game I was somewhat relieved. I was able to enjoy his swan song even more knowing it would be his last. Ezio's departure marks a big step in the Assassin's Creed franchise. Where do we go from here? Enter Connor Kenway.
American Revolution: Interacting with George Washington!
The setting for this installment in the American Revolution. I can finally interact with the founding fathers and help shape the making of the United States of America. This can be summed up with only one word, awesome. This is a time period rarely tackled by game developers and it should be really interesting how Ubisoft tackles the challenge. Characters the Connor may run into include Ben Franklin, Paul Revere and of course the one and only George Washington. The Templar ties run deep and Connor will actually take on both Loyalists and Revolutionary forces. How Ubisoft weaves this into the events from history is intriguing. This also marks a different approach for Ubisoft as well as most times the games take place in cities. There are still cities to be explored but Connor will venture out into the surrounding wilderness quite often.
I Love Seasons Too Much...

Enemies Meet My Tomahawks...Both of Them
The combat for this game is being overhauled dramatically for this game. In the previous games moat fights included holding the block button, waiting for the enemy to attack and then proceeding to counter-attack for the kill. In this game Ubisoft wants to put you on the offensive. Connor should feel dangerous and aggressive, almost like a predator. It is much harder to block and counter. Speed and momentum also play a large role in the combat mechanics. Enemies will react differently if Connor is attacking swiftly and using momentum on his side. Over a thousand animations have been added to this game and very few were carried over from the previous game.

Animals Beware

I'm On a Boat
One of the biggest changes in the game is the addition of ship to ship combat. Connor will take control of a ship and proceed to take part in naval combat. This is a huge difference from previous installment and an interesting risk. The tower defense game in AC:Revelations was far from fun and kind of a nuisance. With this however Ubisoft is looking to craft a fun departure from the norm and so far so good. The missions shown have been pretty simple hunt and kill targets. Its the method for which to accomplish this is different. You can fire at a distance with chains to slow the enemy ship down pepper it with cannon fire at mid-range and even shoot fire and smash straight through it. Connor can even board the enemy boat and dispatch foes. This is shaping up to by one of the best new additions in the game.
Prepare to Ram
Is it October Yet?
Ubisoft has made mention of the fact that they would like a yearly release of an Assassin title. This has put fear into many fans that the game could fall into the Call of Duty trap. That being the games become stale and very clone like lacking innovation and steps forward. However Ubisoft has taken great strides to prevent this from happening. The changes being made have Assassin's Creed 3 feeling fresh and injected life into a franchise that was possibly falling into the sequel trap. Assassin's Creed 3 is seeing large innovations that make it feel almost entirely new but at its heart AC:3 is still an Assassin's Creed game. That is a testament to the lengths Ubisoft has gone to make this the best in the series while still delivering a game we are familiar with. Just over a month away from release and October 30th can't come soon enough.
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