
Sep 20, 2012

Opinionated: PS3 Skyrim Issues Gamings' Biggest Failure of the Year

Most of those that know me know that I am an XBOX 360 guy through and through, however that does not mean I ignore the rest of the gaming industry as a whole. Over the last six months video games have seen their respective successes and failures. More often then not, the failures are what stand out in the gamers eyes. Mass Effect alone saw several major failures in the eyes of the diehards including myself, from on disc day 1 DLC and the debacle that was the ending. It is neither of these that draws in my opinion the biggest failure of the year. That title is reserved for Bethesda and the troubles PS3 owners have had with Skyrim.


For those that may have missed the on going saga I'll let you in on a quick recap. The first problem on the PS3 was when the save file for Skyrim became to big, frame rates would drop creating a substantial amount of lag and making the game virtually unplayable. This alone irked the countless players on the PS3. This issue was fixed in the most part by an update from Bethesda but not before considerable amount of damage had already been done. The sad thing is Bethesda knew of the issue before hand. They encoded solutions they thought would work but in the end did not. Its like ordering a steak at a restaurant only to be given half a steak because of kitchen problems and then still having to pay full price for it.

Even with the fixed lag issue, the bigger concern and the problem in the forefront is the fact that the DLC that PC and 360 owners are enjoying may never come to the PS3. Many would believe that as a 360 fan I would laugh and say "should have got a 360" or "Lol. PS3 sucks." I feel just the opposite however and I really feel for those gamers that do not get to experience the DLC simply because of problems Bethesda can't work out for the console. In fact rumors are that it may never see the light of day on PS3. I would be extremely pissed if I had bought Skyrim on the PS3 only to be subjected to these issues. I understand that DLC is optional and the game itself can be thoroughly enjoyed without it but consumers have the right to be pissed.

Bethesda may see severe backlash from this issue and rightfully so. Skyrim on the PS3 plays as a shell of what it can and should be. Many can say that the issue may stem from the PS3 being hard to work with. To me that is garbage. A release of this magnitude can't be shipped with game-breaking problems. Maybe a delay on the PS3 release would have helped but we will never know. As for the DLC issue my hope is that Bethesda can work out these problems and release the content onto the PS3. All gamers no matter what you play on should have the opportunity to experience the incredible world Bethesda has created with Skyrim. I even hope Bethesda goes one further and releases Dawnguard as free DLC for PS3. But even if Bethesda releases the DLC for free the damage may already be done. Bethesda has earned their reward of biggest gaming fail of the past year.

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